Thank You, Tenchi! What a great treat for LMS teachers as they prepare their classrooms for our Wildcats! We appreciate you!
over 2 years ago, Lockerman Middle School
5 people in front of bulletin board
people in line at food table
people in line at food table
people in line at food table
Attention 7th grade parents: If you have received a phone call, text message, or email from the nurse this week please follow up as soon as possible! All 7th grade students are required to have the Tdap and MCV vaccines before entering into the 7th grade. Please call your child's doctor regarding providing proof of the Tdap and MVC vaccine to the school before 8/31 or make an appointment to get these vaccines. The fax number is 410-479-3273 or you can email the nurse proof at It is very important to have proof of these required vaccines in order for your child to attend school.
over 2 years ago, Lockerman Middle School
medical record
Device Information: Every LMS student will bring home a laptop agreement/contract on the first day! Laptops will be handed out to students on Day 2, but will remain at school. Laptops will go home with students on Day 3 (agreements/contracts must be signed and returned) *6th grade students will be issued Chromebooks for the 22-23 school year.
over 2 years ago, Lockerman Middle School
Graphic showing devices, school logo
During staff professional development, we added up the #LMSWildcats experience, knowledge and strengths. Some pretty impressive numbers here!
over 2 years ago, Lockerman Middle School
chart paper with staff totals
chart paper with staff totals
chart paper with staff totals
chart paper with staff totals
Lockerman rounded up our new teachers and headed over the Caroline Welcome Back event on Wednesday. The crowd definitely knew that #LMSWildcats were in the house!
over 2 years ago, Lockerman Middle School
7 adults posing with cowboy props
four adults in foam cowboy hats
adults at table with t-shirts
auditorium, stage and screen