We’re inching closer to August 28! Get ready for the big day by checking out our Back to School Central page at: carolineschools.org
More information still to be added as details are finalized!
Good evening LMS families! Please click for our summer principal's newsletter: https://secure.smore.com/n/qwy15
We are in desperate need of 12 ROUND tablecloths for the 8th grade dance tonight! Please call the school at 410-479-2760 if you are able to donate them. Black or white tablecloths preferred!
Thank you for your support!
Tomorrow is the last day of school and it's a half day too!
One retiree and two 8th graders ready to leave the pride. Bittersweet last full day for these Wildcats! #WildcatPRIDE #CarolineFamily
These 8th graders are ready for the summer! Device collection is today! Please make sure your student has returned their laptop, charger, and laptop case. Please see the attached document for pricing. There will be a $25 cleaning fee for laptops that have stickers or drawings on it.
Reminder: Our 8th Grade Awards and Ice Cream Social is Tuesday at 12:30. Doors will open at 12:15 for parents who wish to attend. Parents, please enter in the rear of the building. Follow signs from the rear parking lot, through the gate, to the entrance by the gym.
These Wildcat Trainers are showing their #WildcatPRIDE !
A message from the LMS Health Room - If your child has medication in the health room, please arrange to pick-up the medication by June 12, 2024 no later than 2:30 pm. All medicines remaining in the health room after that date will be discarded. Remember, we cannot send the medication home with your child; it must be picked up by a parent or guardian. If your child needs medication administered at school for the 2024-2025 school year, please bring the form completed by your doctor and signed by you. The medication and medication orders can be dropped off 2 days prior to the start of the next school year. As in the past, a completed form is required for all medications including such medications as Tylenol and cough drops. Required health forms can be printed from the LMS website as well as the CCPS website. Thank you from the Health Room Staff.
A BIG THANK YOU to the Wellness Committee, PTA, admin, Shore Party Rentals, Kona Ice, and soo many more for the most successful LMS field day! Students, volunteers, and staff had a fabulous time and so much fun! #WildcatPRIDE #CarolineFamily
Rain, rain go away! Field Day is tomorrow. It looks like we'll have a decent break in the weather tomorrow 🤞Even in the event of light, intermittent rain, we will proceed. Remember sunscreen and water bottles. Wear your class colors:
6th gr: yellow
7th gr: green
8th gr: blue
Party in the USA was taken very seriously today! Look at all the red, white, and blue!
#WildcatPRIDE #CarolineFamily
A message from the yearbook advisor, Mrs. Ellis:
- Pre-ordered yearbooks will be handed out the afternoon of June 7th.
- All yearbooks will have the students name written on the inside front cover.
- Leftover yearbooks will be sold in the media center on June 10th on a first come first serve basis. Yearbooks are $25 dollars. Cash only.
Reminder: This week is Summer Spirit Week! We kick off the week with Fun in the Sun Day: wear bright, summery colors tomorrow ⛱️
Field Day is Thursday! Pre-pay for your child's Kona Ice using this link. You can sponsor Kona for multiple students or a class too! https://customer.kona-ice.com/?#/K47584910
Dear LMS parents/ guardians,
Next Thursday, June 6th, will be an all-day Field Day event for LMS students. We are asking students to wear the following color to match their classmates and teachers that day:
6th Grade: Yellow
7th Grade: Green
8th Grade: Blue
Please make sure that your student brings a water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day. Students will not be able to participate in Field Day if they have received a referral on or past May 23 or are failing two or more core classes (Math, Social Studies, Language Arts or Science).
If you would like to join us for Field Day as a parent volunteer, you must read through the volunteer program training and complete the volunteer google form found on the county webpage. You also will need to sign up for a time that day. Only parents who have completed the training and sign up for an allotted time will be permitted to attend Field Day. Sign-ups will be open until Monday, June 3. The links are listed below:
Volunteer Program Training/ Volunteer Google Form: https://www.carolineschools.org/page/volunteers
Volunteer Application: https://tinyurl.com/te36bbsh
Volunteer Application Spanish: https://tinyurl.com/mrxjyxxw
Field Day Sign-Up Sheet: https://tinyurl.com/bdwppzvr
Kona Ice will also be here that day serving students shaved ice. If you would like to pre-purchase a treat for your child, or donate money towards treats for other students, please use this link: https://customer.kona-ice.com/#/K47584910
Thank you and we look forward to a great day!
Let's celebrate the last full week of school with a "Sweet Summertime Spirit Week"!
Monday - Wear your bright summery colors/patterns
Tuesday - Wear your red, white, and blue!
Wednesday - Dress like a tourist
Thursday (field day) - Wear your grade's color! 6th - yellow & 7th - green & 8th - blue
Friday - Wear your favorite sport's team apparel
Congratulations to Mr. Potter, Ms. Rodrigues and the band & chorus students for a performance well done last week! LMS had a packed house for the annual Spring Concert! #WildcatPRIDE #CarolineFamily
Calendar Reminder: Monday, May 27, all schools and offices closed in observance of Memorial Day.
Calendar Reminder: Friday, May 24, half day for students